Sunday, February 17, 2013


Services :  
  • Start Services on Windows
  • Stop Services on Windows
  • Start Services on NetWare
  • Stop Services on NetWare
  • Access NetWare Service Manager from a Remote Novell Client
  • Start Services on Unix
  • Stop Services on Unix
  • Remotely Start or Stop Services on Windows Client Computers Within a CommCell
  • Access Service Control Manager from CommCell Console
  • Ensure Restarting of Services Using crontab
  • View or Modify User Rights Assignments on a Workgroup or Member Server
  • View or Modify User Rights Assignments on a Domain Controller
  • Set up User Permissions and Rights on a Windows Workgroup or Member Server
  • Set up Folder Permissions
  • Use GxAdmin to View Remote Clients
  • Use GxAdmin to Start/Stop Services
  • Use GxAdmin to Create Process Dump
  • Use GxAdmin to Set Log Parameters

    Stop Services on Windows

    Before You Begin
  • Services used by the system must be running in order for data protection, data recovery operations, and all jobs to run properly. Generally, it is strongly recommended that you should leave all services running. Stopping these services should be avoided whenever possible.
  • Use the Job Controller to verify that no jobs (data protection operations, data recovery operations, etc.) are in progress. If a job is in progress and in the Running or Waiting state, use the Job Controller to suspend or kill the job. Alternately, you can wait for the job to complete.
  • Stopping either the CommServe services or the Base services will stop all operations that depend on that CommServe.
  • When you stop services on a given system, the functions dependent upon the system's services will no longer be available to the rest of the CommServe.
  • All services depend upon the Base services, therefore, stopping the base services stops all services.
  • For the Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and Windows XP platforms, services will automatically recover if they are stopped unexpectedly. If the services stop unexpectedly, the services will attempt to restart every two minutes until they start successfully. While the Server Event Manager Service is restarting, (either by a user restarting the service manually or by auto-recovery), the Job Manager Service and the Media and Library Manager service will also be restarted.
To stop services on Windows:
  1. Open the Service Control Manager. For more information, see Access Service Control Manager from CommCell Console.
  2. Click the service you want to stop from the Services field.
  3. By default, the Auto-Start Services when OS Starts option is selected, meaning that all services applicable to the local computer will start automatically when the computer is restarted. If you want to start all services manually instead, clear this option (to disable the auto-start feature).
  4. Click Stop to stop the specific service(s).When the services are stopped successfully, the Service Control Manager window updates the All Services status from Running to Stopped.

    Optionally, you can verify which services were stopped by viewing them from the Windows Services window.

Start Services on NetWare

To start services on a NetWare system: Start from Remote Novell Client PC
  1. Open the Service Manager. For more information, see Access Service Control Manager from CommCell Console.
  2. Type in the name of the CommServe being accessed.
  3. Press Enter to continue. This populates the NW Servers drop-down menu.
  4. Select an NW Server.
  5. Click Start to start the services. When the services are started successfully, the Service Manager window updates the status of the services you selected from Stopped to Running.
Start from NetWare Server
  1. Run the following command from your local computer: Load Galaxy
    This should start the services.
  2. Resume any jobs you suspended prior to stopping all services.

Stop Services on NetWare

To stop services on a NetWare system:
Stop from Remote Novell Client PC
  1. Open the Service Manager. For more information, see Open Service Manager from Remote Novell Client PC.
  2. Type in the name of the CommServe being accessed.
  3. Press Enter to continue. This populates the NW Servers drop-down menu.
  4. Select an NW Server.
  5. Click Stop to stop the services. When the services are stopped successfully, the Service Manager window updates the status of the services you selected from Running to Stopped.
Stop from NetWare Server Run the following command from your local computer:
Unload Galaxy

Access NetWare Service Manager from a Remote Novell Client

To open the Service Manager from Remote Novell Client:
  1. In the Novell Client computer, navigate to the \Base folder.
  2. Double-click NWGalaxyscm.exe.The NetWare Service Manager window will be displayed.

Start Services on Unix

To start services on Unix:
  1. From a client computer, log on to the computer as root.
  2. At the command line prompt, type the HitachiHDS start command.
  3. Press ENTER.
  4. Resume any jobs you suspended prior to stopping all services.

Stop Services on Unix

To stop services on Unix:
  1. From a client computer, log on to the computer as root.
  2. At the command line prompt, type the HitachiHDS stop command.
  3. Press Enter. This should stop the services.

Remotely Start or Stop Services on Windows Client Computers Within a CommCell

To remotely start or stop services on Windows client computers within a CommCell:
  1. Open the Service Control Manager. For more information, see Open Service Control Manager from CommCell Console.
  2. Select Retrieve Remote Clients. The Computer field is automatically populated with the names of the Windows clients within the CommCell.
  3. From the Computer field, select the client computer from which you want to stop or start the services.
  4. Click Stop or Start to stop or restart the specific service(s). When the services are restarted successfully, the Service Control Manager window updates the status of the Base services from Running to Stopped, or from Stopped to Running. Optionally, you can verify which the services on the remote computer that were started by viewing them from the Windows Services window.

Access Service Control Manager from CommCell Console

Before You Begin
  • To start the Service Control Manager using the CommCell Console, the CommCell Console must be accessed using a stand-alone or installed version of the CommCell Console.
  • The Service Control Manager cannot be accessed from the CommCell Console when it is run as a Remote Web-Based Application.
  • Another component such as a CommServe, MediaAgent or Agent software must also be installed on the computer.
To open the Service Control Manager from the CommCell Console:
  1. Open the CommCell Console as described in Run the CommCell Console as a Java Application.
  2. From the CommCell Console, click Tools > Service Control Manager. The Service Control Manager window is displayed.

Ensure Restarting of Services Using crontab

Before You Begin
  • Please consult your operating system vendor manual for instructions on adding crontab entries.
  • crontab entries must be made using the root user ID.
To ensure restarting of services using the crontab file:
  1. From the client computer, open the crontab file.
  2. Type an entry that includes the appropriate install directory and command and that reflects how often you want to restart services. For example:
    * 0-23 *** <software installation path>/Base/HitachiHDS start

    indicates that services will be checked every hour to see if a restart is necessary (which is recommended).
  3. Save your file.

View or Modify User Rights Assignments on a Workgroup or Member Server

To view or modify user rights assignments on a Workgroup or Member Server:
  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
  2. From Administrative Tools, select the local security policy and add the Service user to all the required rights (logon as service, backup, restore). 

View or Modify User Rights Assignments on a Domain Controller

To view or modify user rights assignments on a domain controller:
  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
  2. From Administrative Tools\Domain Controller Security Policy, expand the tree to Security Settings, Local Policies, and User Rights Assignment. Add the user to all the required rights (logon as service, backup, restore).

Set up User Permissions and Rights on a Windows Workgroup or Member Server

To set up user permissions and rights on a Windows Workgroup or Member Server:
  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
  2. From Administrative Tools, double-click Computer Management.
  3. Create or prepare to manage a Windows user who will run the services.
  4. Open Computer Management by expanding Local User and Groups and then Users. Double-click or create the User who will be running the services.
  5. Right-click the User (if new), click Properties, and click Member of. Then add the Backup Operators group to the User.
  6. Change the services account to the User and re-start the services.
  7. Log off and log in as the Administrator for the policies to take effect. Sometimes you may have to restart the computer to this end. 

Set up Folder Permissions

To set up folder permissions:
  1. As appropriate, provide the service user with full control to the installation directory or confirm that such control is in place. The default location is C:\Program Files\Company Name.
  2. Right-click, select Properties, and then select the Security tab and Add Backup Operators (or the service user) with full control rights.

Use GxAdmin to View Remote Clients

To view details of clients installed in remote computers using GxAdmin tool:
  1. On Windows clients, navigate to the \Base folder.
  2. Double-click GxAdmin.exe. The GxAdmin Tool, General tab is displayed.
  3. Select the Retrieve Remote Clients field. The remote clients connected to the CommCell will list will be listed in the Client Name field.
  4. Select the desired client name from the Client Name list.
  5. The details of the CommCell components installed in the remote client are displayed.

Use GxAdmin to Start/Stop Services

To start/stop the CommCell services using GxAdmin tool:
  1. On Windows clients, navigate to the \Base folder.
  2. Double-click GxAdmin.exe. The GxAdmin Tool is displayed.
  3. Select the Services tab. The component services and the individual services are displayed.
  4. Select the desired service, right-click and select Start/Stop/Restart as required.

Use GxAdmin to Create Process Dump

To create a process dump using GxAdmin tool:
  1. On Windows clients, navigate to the \Base folder.
  2. Double-click GxAdmin.exe. The GxAdmin Tool is displayed.
  3. Select the Processes tab. The various processes running and their details are listed.
  4. Select the desired process and right-click.
    • Select Dump to create a dump file containing the process details. The process dump, a .dmp file with the filename containing the process name with the timestamp information appended, is created in \Log Files folder.
    • Select Kill to kill the process.
    • Select View Logs to view the process log.

Use GxAdmin to Set Log Parameters

To set log parameters using GxAdmin tool:
  1. On Windows clients, navigate to the \Base folder.
  2. Double-click GxAdmin.exe. The GxAdmin Tool is displayed.
  3. Select the Log Params tab. The log settings for the various modules are displayed.
  4. To modify a parameter, double-click the corresponding cell and edit the value.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

STP Rules

Rules of Operation

This section lists rules for how STP works. When the switches first come up, they start the root switch selection process. Each switch transmits a BPDU to the directly connected switch on a per-VLAN basis.
As the BPDU goes out through the network, each switch compares the BPDU that the switch sends to the BPDU that the switch receives from the neighbors. The switches then agree on which switch is the root switch. The switch with the lowest bridge ID in the network wins this election process.
Note: Remember that one root switch is identified per-VLAN. After the root switch identification, the switches adhere to these rules:
  • STP Rule 1—All ports of the root switch must be in forwarding mode.
    Note: In some corner cases, which involve self-looped ports, there is an exception to this rule.
    Next, each switch determines the best path to get to the root. The switches determine this path by a comparison of the information in all the BPDUs that the switches receive on all ports. The switch uses the port with the least amount of information in the BPDU in order to get to the root switch; the port with the least amount of information in the BPDU is the root port. After a switch determines the root port, the switch proceeds to rule 2.\

  • STP Rule 2—The root port must be set to forwarding mode.
    In addition, the switches on each LAN segment communicate with each other to determine which switch is best to use in order to move data from that segment to the root bridge. This switch is called the designated switch.

  • STP Rule 3—In a single LAN segment, the port of the designated switch that connects to that LAN segment must be placed in forwarding mode.

  • STP Rule 4—All the other ports in all the switches (VLAN-specific) must be placed in blocking mode. The rule only applies to ports that connect to other bridges or switches. STP does not affect ports that connect to workstations or PCs. These ports remain forwarded.

    Note: The addition or removal of VLANs when STP runs in per-VLAN spanning tree (PVST / PVST+) mode triggers spanning tree recalculation for that VLAN instance and the traffic is disrupted only for that VLAN. The other VLAN parts of a trunk link can forward traffic normally. The addition or removal of VLANs for a Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) instance that exists triggers spanning tree recalculation for that instance and traffic is disrupted for all the VLAN parts of that MST instance.
Note: By default, spanning tree runs on every port. The spanning tree feature cannot be turned off in switches on a per-port basis. Although it is not recommended, you can turn off STP on a per-VLAN basis, or globally on the switch. Extreme care should be taken whenever you disable spanning tree because this creates Layer 2 loops within the network.

Cisco Catalyst Fixed Configuration Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches


This document describes the password recovery procedure for the Cisco Catalyst Layer 2 fixed configuration switches 2900XL/3500XL, 2940, 2950/2955, 2960, and 2970 Series, as well as the Cisco Catalyst Layer 3 fixed configuration switches 3550, 3560, and 3750 Series.

Step-by-Step Procedure

Follow the password recovery procedure below.
1.       Attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation (for example, Hyper Terminal) to the console port of the switch.
Use the following terminal settings:
o    Bits per second (baud): 9600
o    Data bits: 8
o    Parity: None
o    Stop bits: 1
o    Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
  At the switch prompt, type en to enter enable mode.
  Type rename flash:config.old flash:config.text to rename the configuration file with its original name.
                    Switch#rename flash:config.old flash:config.text
                    Destination filename [config.text] 
!--- Press Return or Enter.
Copy the configuration file into memory.
                    Switch#copy flash:config.text system:running-config
                    Destination filename [running-config]? 
!--- Press Return or Enter.
1131 bytes copied in 0.760 secs
 The configuration file is now reloaded.  Overwrite the current passwords that you do not know. Choose a strong password with at least one capital letter, one number, and one special character.
Note: Overwrite the passwords which are necessary. You need not overwrite all of the mentioned passwords.
                    Sw1# conf t
!--- To overwrite existing secret password
                    Sw1(config)#enable secret 
!--- To overwrite existing enable password
                    Sw1(config)#enable password 
!--- To overwrite existing vty password
                    Sw1(config)#line vty 0 15
!--- To overwrite existing console password
                    Sw1(config-line)#line con 0
Write the running configuration to the configuration file with the write memory command.
                    Sw1#write memory
                    Building configuration...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Configuring Isolated Private VLANs on Catalyst Switches

Network Diagram

This document uses this network setup:
In this scenario, the devices in the isolated VLAN ("101") have a restriction from communication at Layer 2 with one another. However, the devices can connect to the Internet. In addition, port "Gig 3/26" on the 4006 has the promiscuous designation. This optional configuration allows a device on GigabitEthernet 3/26 to connect to all devices in the isolated VLAN. This configuration also allows, for example, the backup of the data from all the PVLAN host devices to an administration workstation. Other uses for promiscuous ports include connection to an external router, LocalDirector, network management device, and other devices.

Configure the Primary and Isolated VLANs

Perform these steps to create the primary and secondary VLANs, as well as to bind the various ports to these VLANs. The steps include examples for both CatOS and Cisco IOS Software. Issue the appropriate command set for your OS installation.
  1. Create the primary PVLAN.
    • CatOS
      Switch_CatOS> (enable) set vlan primary_vlan_id 
      pvlan-type primary name primary_vlan
      !--- Note: Thise command should be on one line.
      VTP advertisements transmitting temporarily stopped,
      and will resume after the command finishes.
      Vlan 100 configuration successful
    • Cisco IOS Software
      Switch_IOS(config)#vlan primary_vlan_id
      Switch_IOS(config-vlan)#private-vlan primary
      Switch_IOS(config-vlan)#name primary-vlan
  2. Create the isolated VLAN or VLANs.
    • CatOS
      Switch_CatOS> (enable) set vlan secondary_vlan_id 
      pvlan-type isolated name isolated_pvlan
      !--- Note: This command should be on one line.
      VTP advertisements transmitting temporarily stopped,
      and will resume after the command finishes.
      Vlan 101 configuration successful 
    • Cisco IOS Software
      Switch_IOS(config)#vlan secondary_vlan_id
      Switch_IOS(config-vlan)#private-vlan isolated
      Switch_IOS(config-vlan)#name isolated_pvlan
  3. Bind the isolated VLAN/VLANs to the primary VLAN.
    • CatOS
      Switch_CatOS> (enable) set pvlan primary_vlan_id secondary_vlan_id
      Vlan 101 configuration successful
      Successfully set association between 100 and 101.
    • Cisco IOS Software
      Switch_IOS(config)#vlan primary_vlan_id
      Switch_IOS(config-vlan)#private-vlan association secondary_vlan_id
  4. Verify the private VLAN configuration.
    • CatOS
      Switch_CatOS> (enable) show pvlan
      Primary Secondary Secondary-Type   Ports
      ------- --------- ---------------- ------------
      100     101       isolated     
    • Cisco IOS Software
      Switch_IOS#show vlan private-vlan
      Primary  Secondary  Type              Ports
      ------- --------- ----------------- -------
      100     101       isolated   

Assign Ports to the PVLANs

Tip: Before you implement this procedure, issue the show pvlan capability mod/port command (for CatOS) to determine if a port can become a PVLAN port.
Note: Before you perform Step 1 of this procedure, issue the switchport command in interface configuration mode to configure the port as a Layer 2 switched interface.
  1. Configure the host ports on all the appropriate switches.
    • CatOS
      Switch_CatOS> (enable)set pvlan primary_vlan_id 
      secondary_vlan_id mod/port
      !--- Note: This command should be on one line.
      Successfully set the following ports to Private Vlan 100,101: 2/20
    • Cisco IOS Software
      Switch_IOS(config)#interface gigabitEthernet mod/port
      Switch_IOS(config-if)#switchport private-vlan host 
      primary_vlan_id secondary_vlan_id
      !--- Note: This command should be on one line.
      Switch_IOS(config-if)#switchport mode private-vlan host
  2. Configure the promiscuous port on one of the switches.
    • CatOS
      Switch_CatOS> (enable) set pvlan mapping primary_vlan_id 
      secondary_vlan_id mod/port
      !--- Note: This command should be on one line.
      Successfully set mapping between 100 and 101 on 3/26
      Note: For Catalyst 6500/6000 when the Supervisor Engine runs CatOS as the system software, the MSFC port on the Supervisor Engine (15/1 or 16/1) should be promiscuous if you wish to Layer 3 switch between the VLANs.
    • Cisco IOS Software
      Switch_IOS(config)#interface interface_type mod/port
      Switch_IOS(config-if)#switchport private-vlan 
      mapping primary_vlan_id secondary_vlan_id
      !--- Note: This command should be on one line.
      Switch_IOS(config-if)#switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous 

How to create VLAN trunk link and native VLAN

  Native VLAN


 The above picture shows that the trunk link is connected to port fa0/24 on both switches. To configure the trunk link, open console connection to Switch 1 and enter the commands as shown below.
chennaiinfoteam.sw01#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
chennaiinfoteam.sw01(config)#interface fa0/24
chennaiinfoteam.sw01(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
chennaiinfoteam.sw01(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 10
%CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on FastEthernet0/24 (10), with
chennaiinfoteam.sw02 FastEthernet0/24 (1).
The CDP message "%CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on FastEthernet0/24 (10), with chennaiinfoteam.sw02 FastEthernet0/24 (1)." shows that the native VLAN on other side of the trunk is different from what we configured here.
To configure trunk link and native VLAN on Switch 2, open console connection to Switch 2 and enter the commands as shown below.
chennaiinfoteam.sw02#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
chennaiinfoteam.sw02(config)#interface fa0/24
chennaiinfoteam.sw02(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
chennaiinfoteam.sw02(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 10